Annual report 2021

Blog Comunity

The 2021 was a year of reunion: we returned to face-to-face activities after a long period without seeing each other. Although we love virtuality and continue maintaining a hybrid way of working, we missed building communities outside digital spaces.

In 2021, we primarily focused on thinking about and strengthening safer and more equitable digital areas for everyone. For this, we accompany several cases of digital violence against women and people from the TLGBIQ+ community. Furthermore, we carried out training courses for public opinion generators and took into account the challenges of communicating with a gender perspective. Additionally, we generated new alliances both nationally and internationally and finally, we created campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of online mental health, the different gender violence in the online realm, and the irregularities of public and private institutions in Paraguay.

Although it was a year of many changes and reconfigurations, we were more united than ever. Once again, we confirm that we continue to walk towards a society where human rights are respected online and offline. Stay tuned because this 2022, we are going for much more!

You can find out what we did during 2021 HERE