September in Paraguay is not just another month on the calendar, but a period filled with meaning. It’s the Month of Memory, a time dedicated to remembering and honoring those who have fought for the rights and visibility of the LGBTIQ+ community. In a country where the struggle for diversity and inclusion has faced numerous challenges, remembering is a form of resistance, a way to not forget, and to pave the path towards a more equitable future.
Acknowledging the depth of this month, we launch a communication campaign that aims not only to remember but also to make visible the diverse experiences of the LGBTIQ+ community throughout Paraguay. But our mission is not limited to the virtual world; during the month, we also organize in-person activities to strengthen ties with the community, understanding that occupying public spaces is more than a symbolic act – it is a tangible form of resistance and affirmation.
Giving Voice to the Community
We share experiences from various people in the community, particularly highlighting those stories that come from outside Asunción to reflect true diversity.
We begin our campaign by recalling the story behind the number 108 with Ash, a student and activist from Encarnación. Later, Amarú shared about the challenges faced by the LGBTIQ+ community in rural areas of Paraguay. Kimberly, the first trans lawyer from Ciudad del Este, emphasized the urgency of laws that guarantee the rights of the trans community in Paraguay.
Miriam, from the Association Unidos por el Arcoiris, emphasized the importance of acceptance and unconditional love towards family members with diverse sexual identities. Finally, Clari, an activist at Aireana, recalled significant dates for the community and highlighted the importance of taking to the streets to support the XX March for TLGBIQ+ Memory in Paraguay.
You can see all the videos on our YouTube channel
Connected beyond virtuality
Transcending social networks, we organized the DIVERSITY PICNIC at the Botanical Garden of Asunción. The event featured artistic performances, healthy food, and tips on how to navigate the internet safely, thanks to our digital security course.

We closely collaborated with two prominent groups from Asunción: Cristianos Inclusivos and Unidos por el Arcoiris. Additionally, we had the honor of having strategic allies, including Congresswoman Johana Ortega and the U.S. Ambassador, Marc Ostfield, who firmly supported our cause.
From the beginning, the picnic was conceived as a space of meeting and acceptance for the community, a place where we could overcome the fear of occupying public spaces. We were greatly pleased to have an attendance of about 200 people. During the event, we offered merchandise related to our digital security campaigns.

March Day
On September 30th, we joined the 20th LGTBIQ+ Memory March, organized 20 years ago by the TLGBIQ+ Coalition of Paraguay, demonstrating that our existence and our rights must be respected. On this day, we marched again with more than 3,000 activists and community members, raising our voices against hate speech, discrimination, and the joy of being whatever we want to be.
From TEDIC, we celebrate diversity and will continue working to build a Paraguay where everyone can live free and secure.