Our Work in 2023 – Annual Report

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Flyer with text: Annual Report 2023

2023 was a pivotal year for TEDIC, marked by our continued dedication to defending human rights in digital environments. In a world undergoing unprecedented digital transformation, where digital spaces are crucial for expression, interaction, and development, we believe our mission is critically relevant.

From conducting research and communication campaigns to disseminating information, engaging locally and internationally, and providing training on vital topics such as privacy, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression, our work is always guided by a gender-sensitive approach.

In a year defined by both challenges and progress, we focused on influencing political agendas at both national and international levels, contributing to the creation of public policies based on scientific evidence. Additionally, through our participation in workshops, discussion panels, and international forums, we sought to echo our reality, sharing and enriching ourselves with global experiences. This collective commitment expands our influence and enriches our perspective, allowing us to strive for a future where digitalization and human rights go hand in hand.

This year, we also deepened our territorial connections, strengthening ties with like-minded communities and coordinating collective actions with activists from various sectors. Looking ahead, we will continue to advocate for open knowledge and a collaborative culture on the Internet, essential for the full exercise of our rights both online and offline.

As we close this chapter of 2023, we reaffirm our commitment to moving forward, convinced that our work contributes to shaping a more just and equitable society in the digital age.

Learn more about our 2023 by downloading our report here.