Who we are

Legal information and brief history

The Association of Technology, Education, Development, Research, Communication (TEDIC) is an association with restricted capacity and without profit purposes with legal status No.: 246, folio 3059 dated 03/04/2012. created on March 26, 2012 in the city of Asuncion in the Republic of Paraguay.

TEDIC was created by a group of people with multiple trajectories and backgrounds in different disciplines, who wanted to create and promote the shared goods and resources as well as common property with other collectives and groups. In the past years, the organization has strategically refined its approch in order to encompass the development of civic technology and defense of human rights on the Internet in persuit of a free culture.

During the first years of the organization, its members dedicated half of their time in activities around free culture, such as the defense of cultural rights and knowledge through the Creative Commons licenses and its community in Paraguay. Later on, small projects that were financed by micro grants for the development of civic technology were added. Both innovative elements strengthened the organization to focus solely and exclusively on the fulfillment of its strategic action lines since 2015.

Our alliances


2023 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report | Annual report 2023

2022 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report | Annual report 2022

2021 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report | Annual report 2021

2020 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report | Annual report and accounts 2020

2019 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report

2018 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report

2017 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report

2016 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report

2015 TEDIC’s Financial Annual Report


Juana Manso 2024 Award – Communication with a Gender Perspective – First place in the Podcast category for our series “Ñe’ê ñembohasa: asar la voz”, produced in collaboration with Kuña Aty, women’s committee of Táva Guaraní and the Association for Progress in Communications.

Peter Benenson Awards 2022 – Amnesty International Paraguay – Special Mention to TEDIC in recognition of the work done on digital rights in favor of a free culture on the internet in Paraguay in 2022.

ODS 2022 Recognition – Good practices for sustainable development in Paraguay – Awarded for the campaign “Digital Violence is Real” in pursuit of the sustainable development of Paraguay.

2021 EQUALS in Tech Awards Finalists in research category. Non-consensual dissemination of intimate images in Paraguay (Paraguay) – Research into legal responses to victims of digital gender violence such as non-consensual dissemination of intimate images through mobile devices and the internet.

Heroin 2015 Access Now – Internet Human Rights Defender

Le Prix des droits de l’Homme de la République française « Liberté – Égalité – Fraternité» 2015 – Honorable Mention to the #Pyrawebs campaign in defense of human rights on the Internet. Official Text.

Peter Benenson Awards 2015 – Amnesty International Paraguay – Special Mention to TEDIC in recognition of the work done on digital rights in favor of a free culture on the internet in Paraguay in 2015.

Best LATAM Advocacy Campaign 2015 – Pyrawebs Campaign first place – SocialTIC.

Special mention to the LATAM 2017 advocacy campaign by SocialTIC/infoactivist: “The return of pyrawebs” and “Gender violence on the Internet is real”.

Recognition of individuals and institutions that stand out for their contribution to the prevention of torture 2019 – National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (MNP).

Defensores, “Best project linking government and citizenship” at “The best of Latin American infocactivism 2019” – SocialTIC.