In the context of our campaign against the Pyrawebs Law, we launched the Antipyrawebs Observatory, a regional collaborative repository of online documents between Paraguay, Chile and Peru. With the support of AccessNow and in collaboration with the Hiperderecho organizations of Peru and Derechos Digitales of Chile, we intend to use this tool to map and monitor private, state, academic, and civil society initiatives, as well as related events in media communication, social networks and publications related to the following topics:
Freedom of expression
Net neutrality
This mapping also covers the relationship and impact of these issues both directly and indirectly on other fundamental principles and rights on the Internet.
Features and functionalities of the platform:
The repository hosted at the Antipyrawebs Observatory is freely accessible online. The platform, whose development began in 2018, is built with free and open source code and uses the Zotero free document management system, which allows the conservation of relevant information without risk of loss in case of the disappearance of the original sources of the Web.
The visualizations of the content can be filtered by countries (Paraguay, Peru, Chile), by the topics mentioned above, as well as by year starting from 2016 until now. In addition, the platform has a visualization of graphics, in which the articles can be identified by country, subject, source, and the quantity of articles for each year. These visualizations are dynamic, since they vary based on the update of the platform when adding new articles, and the options selected based on country, themes and year.
As a result, the repository represents a collaborative technology that not only visualizes the events and information of the region, but also maintains collective memories in relation to different initiatives and digital rights.
We thank again the support of AccessNow and the organizations Hiperderecho of Peru and Digital Rights of Chile for joining and collaborating in the construction of this platform, which we hope will be useful for citizens.